Things don't need to be perfect

 School has started up again - in the time of Covid.

Which means - in my part of the world - kids are either in school full time, part time or doing e-learning.

It's a tough time for everyone.

My son is doing e-learning. It's not ideal and it's not perfect. And that's ok.

I don't expect him to be perfect. I never was. 

What do I hope he gets out of this year?  I hope he gets out of this year - alive. I hope we get out of it alive.

Academically - I hope he participates and does the work to the best of his ability.

Does his work have to be perfect? No. Do his teachers need to be perfect? No. Do I need to be perfect? No. Does he need to be perfect? No. 

Sometimes it's enough to just get by and try to maintain your sanity.

This is one of those times. So - yes - push your kids. Just - let go of the need to be perfect.


  1. Sometimes it's enough to just get by and try to maintain your sanity.

  2. Thank you for this!
    I can't tell you how anxious I am...actually visited by angina at night making it all work, keeping stopping leaks and pleasing my wife and daughter. Attending to my work. I'm beat, man.

  3. Oh Dear Chaz - my mom is having heart problems too - and it's anxiety related. She literally can't be online too long or her heart starts palpitating from the anxiety it produces. Hang in there. DO what you need to do to detox.


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