If you need the actual url address - here it is: http://www.jen-hancock.com/contact.html
What should you contact me about? Well, I love getting topic suggestions. Want to know how Humanism can be applied to your particular situation? Let me know what that is and I will try to post something on it. Doesn't matter what it is, I'm open to hearing about it. Have a cool video you think I should share? Let me know. Something happening in the world of Humanism you want me to comment on? Let me know.
Want to get on my mailing list? Contact me.
Oh, and I also like to hear from people who want to book me to speak, or who want to help me promote my book in some way shape or form. Definitely contact me if you are interested in that. I also welcome people who want me to guest blog or write something for their particular publication.
Again - just use this form to contact me. Any questions and comments, please put in the comment box. But be warned, filling out this form will add you to my mailing list. On the plus side, you will get a free ebook. If it turns out you don't like it - unsubscribe.
Again - just use this form to contact me. Any questions and comments, please put in the comment box. But be warned, filling out this form will add you to my mailing list. On the plus side, you will get a free ebook. If it turns out you don't like it - unsubscribe.