Hello, my name is Jennifer and I'm a writer and speaker who specializes in Humanistic Leadership and Humanistic Parenting topics.
In case you were wondering: Humanism is a highly effective approach to human development. In fact it is the most humane and holistic approach to ethical philosophy humanity has ever devised.
I am the author of:
The Humanist Approach to Happiness: Practical Wisdom
Jen Hancock's Handy Humanism Handbook.
The Bully Vaccine, and
The Humanist Approach to Happiness Life Skills Course
I am currently working on a book about Humanistic Business Management
I write a freelance column about Humanism for the Bradenton Herald newspaper and yes, I am interested in syndicating it. And I publish this Happiness through Humanism blog and podcast. as a well as moderating an online Humanist Bible Study group.
I am very active with the media - you can check out my media appearances here and I am always willing to help a reporter out.
As for who I am - I grew up as a freethinker. My mom tells me we are third generation on both sides of my family. I didn't realize Humanism was an actual philosophy with, you know, an actual movement until I moved to Florida and went to a conference because Piers Anthony was a featured speaker. Got involved, became the Executive Director for the Humanists of Florida for several years. Learned a lot about the philosophy. Left to be a stay at home mom and to work on my writing, which seriously - I have a lot of ideas floating around in my head just waiting for a chance to exit.

If you want to learn more about who I am and why I am who I am - read my bio at http://www.jen-hancock.com/bio.html
As for this blog - I try to focus on short posts about living a Humanist life. How does a Humanist approach different diverse topics. If you are looking for posts ranting about religion, you won't find it here. This post is focused almost exclusively on the practical application of the Humanist philosophy.
However, if you do want more political type posts, feel free to visit my Sumogirl.com website - I have my thoughts about politics, pop culture and various other things there.