Wonder and Awe

I live life feeling inspired most of the time.  I am very easily awed  and wonder at the world around me.  I may be genetically predisposed to feeling this way. But I also believe that my philosophy of life helps me to experience these feelings on a regular basis.

I feel this way - because - I choose to.

I live my life realistically.  I believe that this is the only life I have.  At some point I will die. This awareness and acceptance of death does not make me pessimistic. Instead, it feels me with a sense of urgency.  I have a limited amount of time to get things done - so I better get them done now. Tomorrow may be too late.

It's why I remember - to look at the sky with wonder and awe. It's why whatever I am doing, I find things to be interested in. I literally cannot remember the last time I was bored. Doing nothing is great - but it's not actually passive. Do nothing time is filled with quality time to observe the things around me. And that brings me joy.

The other thing that being aware of my death does for me is - it helps me not take things too seriously.  If I don't get everything done - that's ok too. I can't do everything and be everything and I don't try to. I do the best I can  - and that will have to be enough - because - realistically - that is literally - all I can do.

Life is amazing. It's amazing that any of us are even alive and aware enough to notice we are alive.  Life is hard and difficult for everyone. So let's work on being compassionate with each other and less self centered.

As the great Humanist Carl Sagan once said,

“For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.” 

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