Gene Roddenberry - Humanism and Humanist

In case you were not aware, the creator of Star Trek was a Humanist and was involved in the American Humanist Association.

In fact, they interviewed him back in 1991 and have audio of his conversations:

His executive assistant Susan Sackett is also a Humanist and will often discuss her work with Gene and her own Humanism. 

The American Humanist Association has taken down it's audio recording of their conversation with Gene, but there are a couple of quotes from it I really like and want to share here.

"Have fun with your humanism. Don’t be sour about it." – Gene Roddenberry

"This life is full of delight. You should enjoy the pleasure and delight and stick it to “them” now and then.” - Gene Roddenberry

This serves as a reminder that as much as Humanism is about thinking clearly - it's also about creating flourishing and living life joyfully.

In a world without meaning and without an afterlife, "the best we can do is to live this life as brilliantly as we can. That means helping others in community, advancing society, and flourishing at whatever we do best." - from the IHEU Minimum Statement on Humanism (

So go, be brilliant. Be loving. Be joyful. And have fun with your humanism.

If you want to learn more about Humanism - get my book The Handy Humanism Handbook:

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