Helping Japan - as Humanists

Obviously - everyone should be aware of the triple tragedy that hit Japan last weekend. Here are some ways that you can help as a Humanist.

SHARE: Secular Humanists Aid and Relief Effort is collecting money to give to Doctors without Borders. 100% of money donated will be passed through to Doctors without Borders which is a secular organization. Ton donate visit the campaign page at:

Foundation Beyond Belief: Foundation Beyond Belief has already donated over $5,000 to relief efforts. Their money is being passed through to the Japanese Red Cross - to donate through Foundation Beyond Belief go to: 

Humanist Charities: This project by the American Humanist Association is collecting money for relief efforts in Japan, but is still working with their contacts in the country to decide how best to send direct aid. You can donate to their efforts here: Or if you prefer, they also suggest donating to Doctors without Borders and the American Red Cross which are both on the ground already in Japan. Links on their website.

1 comment:

  1. I just heard your talk on "Skepticality" with Swoopy and I also live in Japan so I thought posting here would be appropriate.

    Just for you information, the Japanese, by and by, are Humanists. Dogma based religion, if followed at all, is a very private. My Japanese friends would say that it isn't important ant enough to talk about between friends. Christian based dogma is about 1% of total population. Couple this with one of the safest countries with regards to crime, it makes one wonder about dogmatic faith in any form. Apparently, to the Japanese, you don't need god to know how to treat another person kindly and with respect.
    Interesting place to be.
    Lastly, I appreciate you getting the word out to other people in support of the Japanese. Arigatogozaimosu


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