Changing Directions - and Asking for Help

 One of the great things about being human is - we can change our minds. If our situations change, we can - change. If we are failing? We can change.

That doesn't mean that change is easy. It isn't. First, we have to admit, what we are doing isn't working. Maybe it never worked. That's hard to admit sometimes. But it's the first step to being able to change what you are doing.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. My husband is nearing retirement. We are now thinking about what we want the next phase of our lives to be. And I've had to admit to myself that I have failed to meet the goals I had set for myself. I wanted to change the way harassment and bullying is taught so that we use - science - so that we can actually fix the darned problem. I've failed to do that. Not for lack of trying. 

I also failed to get my company, Humanist Learning Systems to the point I wanted to get it to. I've decided that is ok too.  What I really like doing is content creation. Creating the training programs and sharing them. I'm lousy at marketing and sales. I need help in that regard.

What acknowledging these things has allowed me to do - is to go out and find partners that can help a) promote this work and b) run the parts of the business I don't enjoy so that when we retire, my work will continue to be taught.

The amazing thing about having done this? I'm making more money than I did when I was doing it all myself. And, I will be saving money because I won't need to manage my own learning management system myself. 

I'm pretty excited to make more money by doing less of the annoying work and more of the fun work. But to get to this point, I had to admit to myself, I was failing to achieve my objectives. I also needed to set out clear objectives for what I want to do and have in the future. 

If you want to take any of my online courses visit-  You can take a certified course for continuing education at my partner LearnFormula, you can view the videos at Vimeo, or you can get them as a book, ebook or audio book. 

Thanks for your continued support. PS - if you want to view any of my course videos at Vimeo - check them out below.

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