Middle managers - are important

Recently - the center for evidence based management published a research review on the importance of middle managers in the productivity of a team.



1) The roles and practices of line- and middle managers have a substantial impact on a wide range of organizational outcomes (Level A, ++)
2) Middle managers have a demonstrated impact on employee support for learning and change. Basically – they have the ability to help you succeed – or they can kill your initiative – whatever it is.
3) Middle managers should be involved in strategy development - Several studies suggest that middle managers’ involvement in strategy development has a positive impact on strategy implementation and, consequently, organizational capabilities

Middle Manager's biggest areas of impact:

1) Social Cohesion - A high level of social cohesion among team members creates a psychologically safe environment in which team members feel free to explore new ways of doing things (Hülsheger, Anderson, & Salgado, 2009).
2) Support and Reciprocity: The construct of perceived supervisory support stems from the norm of reciprocity, that is, when people treat others as they would like to be treated, repaying kindness with kindness and retaliating against those who inflict harm (Brunell et al., 2013; Gouldner, 1960). Put differently, when a manager helps his or her employees in times of need or recognizes them for extra effort, these employees tend to act in a way of value to the manager (such as meeting goals and objectives) and the organization as a whole (Edmondson, 2013; Eisenberger, 1986)
3) Team Empowerment - Psychological empowerment is also positively related to work performance. It is assumed that psychological empowerment enhances performance by increasing 1) the amount of information and control workers have over their work; 2) the level of work-related knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees; and 3) the motivation employees have to achieve organizational goals (Seibert, 2011).
4) Psychological Safety - If group members feel psychologically safe, they will, 1) be more willing to ask for help, admit an error, seek feedback, etc. and those actions, 2) foster learning in the group which, 3) improves their performance.
5) Group Goal setting - A large number of high-quality studies consistently demonstrate that specific, difficult goals yield higher performance than nonspecific (“do-your best”) goals, and specific difficult goals yield higher performance than specific easy goals. Several studies suggest that setting goals at the group level may yield higher performance than individual goals (Kleingeld, 2011).

Conclusion – Middle managers either create a sense of psychological safety or they don’t.  Psychological safety is positively correlated to improved performance and so – should be a focus of efforts and training for middle managers. Also – include them in strategy and decision making sessions.

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