Learning how to reclaim and own your dignity after something horrible has happened to you.
I was asked to write something to help people overcome drama and trauma in their lives with dignity and grace.
I do have experience with this. I have had quite a bit of trauma in my life, and some of it was caused by relationship drama. I'm in a great place now and happy most of the time. In fact, I was chatting with a psychologist the other day and he wondered if I was naturally happy, or whether I was manic depressive.
Confession. I am naturally disposed to happiness. I do get sad. I do get angry. I get frustrated. I do get depressed. But those are deviations. My normal state is happy. My son is the same way - his default state - is happy.
Not everyone is so lucky. This may very well be biological in the same way that some people are simply - more anxious, upset or depressed. That is their normal and moments of happiness are deviations from their norm.
Despite my normal state, I have had periods where I spent years in negative emotional states. When I was being stalked, I was so anxious, I developed a physical problem as a result of the constant anxiety.
When I lost my first child to stillbirth in the 8th month of pregnancy, it took a couple of years to get to some level of "normalcy." I still can "lose it" and start crying uncontrollably when I think about it.
Oh - and one time, I almost died. My galbladder went gangrenous. I got to the hospital just in time. Had I waited a day, I would have died. I knew it was bad when they doubled my morphine dose and gave it to me more frequently.
I've also been subjected to some pretty serious personal and professional attacks on my character.
I've had periods in my life that were manifestly horrible. I developed PTSD (diagnosed) from the stalking situation. And I've overcome the drama and trauma of all of that and gotten to a good place in my life. So I feel confident to talk about this. In fact, who better to talk about how to overcome trauma, than someone who has done so successfully.
My Humanism is My Anchor
I'm not special
Bad things happen to good people for no other reason than bad things happen. I remember when I lost my child, and I went to an infant loss grief support group. I realized very quickly that I was the only person they ONLY dealing with grief. Everyone else had their theological world turned upside down. Not only did they have to deal with grief, they had to deal with the realization that their faith did not spare them from hardship.
As crazy as it sounds, the knowledge that I am not special, helps me cope. By allowing me to accept the reality of what has happened and just deal with it. I feel really bad for all my friends of faith who deal with grief plus. Grief is hard enough on it's own. I can't imagine adding the suffering that my friends of faith have to deal with on top of their grief. It makes me understand why they get mad at god(s). I don't get mad at god. I just grieve. It's easier.
Others have done it - so can I
I know my current reality, as bad as it is, will not be permanent and that I can take constructive steps to help myself get to a better place. I don't have to be passive. I can be pro-active.
I don't have to act on my emotions - I can use compassion to guide my thinking
And this last bit is key. I don't have to act on my emotions. I can decide what to do - if anything - about those emotions. Often, I chose to do nothing but experience them.
Suffering is not Noble
This doesn't mean I'm automatically happy. It does mean that when I find I'm not happy and it's a lasting condition, I take action to rectify the problem.
Is the problem grief? I can take small steps and know that my grief will eventually ebb - if I let it - and I let it because, to me, it would be crazy to hold onto grief. Holding on to grief is not noble. It's stupid. If I can't let go - and there have been times where I had trouble, I seek out help in the form of therapists and counselors. And they have always helped me identify what was holding me back so I could release it.
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