One of the more interesting responses I get when people take one of my courses is - this is great. How do I get other people to do this do. This being, taking a humanistic approach to - leadership.
I always find it interesting because for me, Humanism is a personal choice. It's something I choose to do for me. I don't expect other people to do it to.It may seem weird to say, even though I teach Humanism, I don't proselytize Humanism. All Humanism is, is a personal approach to being a good person. Being good is catching actually. But even if it isn't, it's still worth being a good person even if the people around you are not.
The other thing is, trying to change other people, is uncool. Helping people be better - super cool. But if they don't want to change, don't try to force them.
I have a lot of experience orchestrating organizational change. I don't ever force people to change. I help the people who want to change, change and then, they and we, create a new cultural norm through our efforts. If we are doing good and doing better, everyone else will see that and want to be a part of it. And if they don't, that's normally fine too. The mistake most people seeking to create change make is, thinking - they need everyone to buy in. You don't. You just need people willing to experiment with whatever new thing you are trying.
For more information on how to do this, take my course: Why is Change so Hard? Or ge
t the book. Or the audio book. Whatever format you like, is fine by me.
Which brings me back to the topic of humanistic leadership. If you are trying to create cultural change, taking a humanistic approach to your leadership will help a lot. Why? Because it encourages you to treat everyone with dignity, including the people who are opposed to your efforts. Again, this is about how you decide to behave. Not how you force others to be more like you, which isn't humanistic at all.
Regardless, lets' say you want to try and recruit people in and you have some people willing to experiment with this new approach. Now what? Well, first, you all need to educate yourself on not only the philosophy but also on the techniques.
I have several resources you can use for this.
A book:, and
Certificate Programs in Humanistic Leadership and Humanistic Conflict Management:
If you are interested in measuring your progress as an individual or as a group, I have free downloadable tools you can use to help you better
- Identify your personal values so you can have effective conversations about which values matter most to you and your team
- Integrate your chosen values into your decision making process, and
- a Reality Based Problem Solving Matrix to use when doing strategy or problem solving work.
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